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Recycled Tires


DACARR BY MUUBS is a handmade and upcycled product that is made of rubber from old car tires or bike tubes. Car tires have a limited lifetime as they get useless when they are worn down. When they no longer can be used, they get either scrapped, burned or melted and this is very bad for the environment. Instead of letting the car tires go to waste, they get upcycled.

The tires are being cut out in hand thus they get the right shape for a basket or a barrel. After this process they get sewed together with the recognizable white stitches. Afterwards, they become the stylish and gorgeous DACARR BY MUUBS products where every product has an exciting back story that possibly has taken place on the roads of Asia or Europe.

Upcycling has a positive effect on the environment as it is based on adding value to a thing that otherwise would have been defined as garbage. This allows the opportunity of creating new products that protect the environment.

• Storage
• Firewood basket
• Shoes
• Magazines
• Toys
• Flowers and plants
• Herbs

APPLICATIONS / The DACARR series can be used for both inside and outside usage year around and do not get any frost shatterings. By using it for plants or flowers, we recommend that you plant it in a pot or bag as the DACARR products aren’t waterproof in the sewings.

MAINTENANCE / Clean the products by using soap and water.

If any further questions, feel free to contact MUUBS.

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